A professional website design must always take in to consideration the importance of UX and the UI factor. While the UX design refers to “user experience design”, UI stands for “user interface design”. Both these elements are highly critical for any website design and development. “User Experience” refers to the interaction between the user and the website which remains a very crucial aspect in retaining the visitor to the website and gradually transforming him into a potential buyer of the product or the services offered on the website.
UI design on the other hand closely considers the look and feel of the website. It is about ensuring that the user interface is as intuitive as possible which emphasizes a very careful process of choosing each and every visual, interactive element like; call for action buttons, font style, font colors, icons, spacing between paragraphs, typography and responsive design that an user would encounter on the website.
A good UX design is all about identifying and providing an enriching user experience while an UI design is all about creating a visually pleasing, intuitive and an interactive interface.
We at Team Mango Media, a professional website design company create cost-effective custom website designs to ensure that our clients are presented with the best of the UI / UX experience.
the most important things we keep in mind while we design your website
- A highly appealing yet a responsive design
- A Search Engine Optimized site architecture
- Clear and easy navigation of the website
- An intuitive user experience / user interface
- Appropriate usage of Images and Icons
- Mobile Friendly
- Quality of Content
- Effective Call to Action buttons